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SUPERCHARGE Your Results and Strip Off Your First 10 Pounds of Stubborn Fat Even FASTER with 4 Done-for-You Fat Burning Diets
and Meal Plans...

PLUS: 128 Delicious Anti-Aging Recipes from Karen's Kitchen!…

You may have heard the saying "abs are made in the kitchen", and to a certain extent, this is true. You'll NEVER see your belly get flatter or tighten up your trouble spots if you don't know how to follow a structured diet.

That's why were so excited to give you a one-time opportunity to a VIP upgrade on your order, which includes FOUR Anti-Aging Diets, complete Done-for-You meal plans and 128 delicious recipes straight from Karen's kitchen!

WHY Are The Over 40 Anti-Aging Diets,
Meal Plans, And Recipes So Important
For YOUR Success?

1: Save Time: by planning an entire week's worth of nutrition in just a few short hours, without having to create your own meal plans.

2: Variety and Flavor: You'll get tons of variety and flavor with easy-to-follow recipes so you don't get burned out with bland diet foods or have to worry about what you're going to eat next.

3: Eliminate ANY Guesswork: By using step-by-step meal plans and over 100 recipes that taste delicious, you'll know EXACTLY what you're eating next… how to make your food taste delicious… and you'll NEVER have to worry about what concoction you'll have to come up with next!

4: Eat LOTS of Your Favorite Carbs and NEVER Store Them as Fat: Discover the power of carb cycling for faster fat loss, improved insulin sensitivity, increased libido, and maximized thyroid output.

5: Guaranteed Results: Although you can expect dramatic changes in your body using the OVER 40 Ab Solution 12 minute "Fountain of Youth" protocols, your results are virtually guaranteed when you combine them with your diet.


The Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Diet SUPERPACK

Component #1:

The Over 40 Ab Solution 7 Day Anti-Aging
Rapid Fat Loss Meal Plan

($27 Value)

The very first time my wife Karen tried this 7 day diet, she lost 8 pounds in only SIX days!

Why is this diet and meal plan so powerful?

  • It's one of the fastest ways to drain the body of carbohydrate stores and/or muscle glycogen (#1 catalyst to using fat as fuel when you're over 40).
  • Shuts off your body's dependence on using sugars and carbs as energy sources.
  • Lowers glucose and helps level and stabilize blood sugar to create an aggressive fat burning environment.
  • Reprograms and fixes your metabolism to teach it where fat stores are readily available for energy needs.
  • Primes your muscles and hormones to "want" and "need" more carbs and extra calories.
  • Combines the exact foods that are specifically designed to create extreme fat loss WITHOUT losing muscle or damaging your metabolism.

This 7 day rapid fat loss meal plan is designed to turn OFF your body's "dependence" on burning sugars and turn ON your body's fat burning switch in only 3 to 4 days…

By day 7 you'll be 100% "fat adapted" making fat your #1 source of fuel.

Component #2:

The Over 40 Ab Solution 21 Day Carbohydrate
Cycling Meal Plan

($27 Value)

Discover how to eat LOTS of your favorite carbs WITHOUT fat storage with this 21 day carb cycling meal plan.

Just follow this meal plan day by day and you'll discover exactly how to obtain all the metabolic – muscle-enhancing benefits from eating your favorite carbs, while simultaneously manipulating your body to burn more fat.

Learn how carb cycling can…

  • INCREASE insulin sensitivity
  • IMPROVE thyroid sensitivity
  • Naturally elevate testosterone
  • Maximize Leptin levels (your body's #1 fat burning hormone)

As soon as you learn how to use carb cycling you'll see how easy it can be to stay lean all year round, while still enjoying your favorite foods.

Component #3:

The Over 40 Ab Solution 14 Day Plateau
Buster Meal Plan

($27 Value)

Your body is not designed for fat loss. As soon as you start manipulating calories by increasing or decreasing food intake, your body responds by trying to adapt and fight against fat-loss.

This diet and meal plan takes into account the five ways your body uses adaptation to be more efficient.

It's specifically designed to overcome ANY and EVERY type of adaptive response the body has to stop you from losing weight.

Although it can be used any time you want... the 14 Day Plateau Buster meal plan is the ULTIMATE two week cycle to use after a layoff or a holiday food binge.

But it works BEST whenever your fat loss SLOWS down or you hit a "sticking" point...

Every time you reach a plateau or weight loss slows down, just follow this 14 day plan to get the scale moving again.

Component #4:

The Over 40 Ab Solution 14 Day Metabolic
Reset Meal Plan

($27 Value)

Even though the first 3 meal plans use aggressive carb cycling methods that are very efficient and effective for rapid fat loss, they also create healthy massive calorie deficits at the same exact time.

Without cycling your calorie and macro-nutrient intake by moving back to a higher nutrient profile for a set period of time, you could radically alter and even damage your metabolism.

The 14 Day Reset Plan (our private clients have nicknamed it the "Diet Break") will help "spark" your metabolism and stop the adaptive response from the lower nutrient profiles used during the previous aggressive meal plans.

Intentionally increase carbs and calories to create a new metabolic set point that KEEPS your metabolism healthy and burning fat.

These meal plans and diets allow you to eat LOTS of your favorite carbs, while NEVER storing them as fat…

SURPRISE BONUS: Today Only You'll Also Get Instant Digital Access To
128 Delicious Anti-Aging Recipes Straight from Karen's Kitchen!...

If you hate the thought of dieting because of all the bland, boring food choices that have to be a part of your plan today is your lucky day.

My wife Karen is the most AMAZING cook and she has a knack for "hacking" your favorite home cooked recipes and comfort foods, making them both healthy AND delicious…

Bonus #1:

Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Breakfast Recipes

These Breakfast recipes are a must-have: Power Protein Pancakes, Egg Enchiladas, PB & J Protein Oatmeal, Fitness French Toast, Healthy Apple Muffins…YUM!

Going low carb? NO problem. Karen has put together a collection of low carb breakfast alternatives, which is critical in your long term goals for keeping a slimmer waistline.  

You'll have access to all 26 fat burning breakfast recipes that are specifically designed with food choices and combinations that keep your body energized and in fat-burning mode.

Bonus #2:

Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Lunch Recipes

Choosing the wrong foods at lunch can send your metabolism right into fat storing mode, which is why these recipes are specifically balanced to keep blood sugar stable for sustained afternoon energy.

Karen put together a combination of lunch recipes that can be cooked in bulk so you're always prepared, along with several other recipes that can be grabbed on-the-go when you're in a hurry.

And remember, EACH lunch recipe is strategically designed with the precise ingredients that keep your fat storing hormones at bay.

Bonus #3:

Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Dips and Salad Dressing Recipes

Nowadays it's easy to find things like healthy low carb crackers and non GMO potato chips made with healthy oil, but what about the dips?

Enjoy Karen's creamy salsa dip made with yogurt and cottage cheese…perfect for parties or get-togethers…

And don't forget about the salad dressings. Since almost all over the counter salad dressings are LOADED with inflammatory oils and fat storing sugar, you'll definitely appreciate having access to Karen's delicious (and super healthy) homemade dressings.

Bonus #4:

Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Smoothies and Milkshakes Recipes

Don't have time for real food? Karen's smoothies are the perfect insurance policy to keep you on the fast track when you're in a rush and they're the ultimate late night treat whenever your "sweet tooth" acts up.

Each one can be prepared in as less than five minutes and they have the PERFECT ratio of macronutrients to keep insulin at bay late at night or throughout the day.

Peanut Brittle, Peaches & Cream, Chocolate Covered Cherry, Peppermint Patty, Death By Chocolate, Cappuccino, Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry Banana, and much, much more…

Bonus #5:

Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Dinner Recipes

Say "goodbye" to plain, dry chicken and broccoli and "hello" to variety and flavor with Karen's amazing dinner recipes hacks. She's taken all the favorite comfort foods that we've grown up with and transformed them into healthy and delicious alternatives.

Healthy Home Fries, Healthy Chicken Enchiladas, Healthy Spaghetti & Meatballs, Healthy Pizza, Healthy Mexican Lasagna, Healthy Meatloaf, Healthy Goulash…  and of course, there are plenty of low carb alternatives to choose from as well.

Bonus #6:

Over 40 Ab Solution Anti-Aging Dessert Recipes

Last but not least you'll get a small collection of your favorite desserts created with ingredients that will satisfy your cravings WITHOUT expanding your waistline.

Indulge in Banana Cream Delight, Depletion Protein Pudding, Healthy Sundae, Healthy Brownies, Pistachio Protein Pudding, and even Chocolate Cheesecake pudding….

And don't forget: Everything backed by our 90-day 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you're not blown away and impressed with our Over 40 Anti-Aging Diet SUPERPACK we'll give you all your money back.

This package has a value of over $100 PLUS 6 FREE Bonuses. However, because you're a new customer we've arranged a discount so that everybody can afford it.

This Special One Time VIP Package Will NEVER Be Offered To You Again…

Just Click The Big Yellow Button Below To Activate Your Discount On All 4 Done-for-You Fat Burning Diets And Meal Plans

PLUS: 128 Delicious Anti-Aging Recipes from Karen's Kitchen!

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