You Now Have A One-Time Opportunity To DOUBLE Your Hormone-Boosting Results And Melt Off Stubborn Fat Even Faster In The First 7 Days With The Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Results Accelerator

Hey, it’s Shaun and Karen and we just wanted to say congratulations for being an action taker and grabbing your copy of The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet.
You just took the first step to embarking on a life-changing journey that will quickly begin transforming your body.
Now it’s time to accelerate your results even further with our special discounted VIP upgrade to ensure nothing is left out...
This is the most popular request we get from our customers like you, and over the years we’ve noticed the people who see the FASTEST results all have one thing in common.
They all used our ‘Hormone-Boosting’ Results Accelerator Package.

Here’s Why It’s Proven To Work So Well For People In Their 40s, 50s, and 60s...

Having direct access to this system is what creates the MOMENTUM to keep going, long AFTER that initial surge of rapid weight loss most of us experience in the first week or two...
Each day as you wake up and look in the mirror you’ll SEE visual evidence that what you’re doing is working... just like Karen did!
A thinner, younger-looking face. A tighter stomach and backside. Newfound confidence and energy. “Old” jeans you can fit into again for the first time in years.
It’s an amazing feeling... and it will motivate you to keep going and achieve even more.

You Will SEE Your Trouble Spots Get Tighter In The Next 7 Days And Beyond Or You Don’t Pay A Dime.

Inside this special one-time VIP upgrade you’ll get instant access to Done-for-You meal plans, delicious gourmet recipes, smoothies and desserts, giving you a simple-to-follow fat-burning blueprint each and every day.

This VIP Upgrade Is Guaranteed To Accelerate Your Results In 5 Different Ways...

1. Save Time: It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare a meal plan and research ingredients. Instead of spending hours each week out of your busy shcedule trying to figure out what you’re going to eat, you can use one of our accelerator meal plans to transform you body in record time.

2: Greater Flexibility: Even with the obvious flaws of today’s trendiest diets, people will still try to follow them, which is why we’ve redesigned two of the most popular diets on the market today — Paleo and Keto — into 100% “hormone-friendly” meal plans for men and women OVER 40. Now, if you like eating Paleo or Keto, you can follow either to reset your hormones and supercharge your results.

3: Eliminate ALL The Guesswork: By following our step-by-step meal plans and having direct access to dozens of delicious recipes, you’ll know EXACTLY what to eat each day... and best of all, and you’ll NEVER have stand in front of the refrigerator wondering what your next meal is going to be.

4: Discover The Fat Burning Power of High-Carb Cheat Foods: You’ll have access to tons of recipes, milkshakes and desserts you can make in under 5 minutes that will boost your fat-burning leptin levels at the right time, reigniting your thyroid (and metabolism) to burn off even more stubborn fat.

5: Guaranteed Results: Although you can expect to see dramatic changes in your body following the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Guide, your results are virtually guaranteed when you use our done-for-you meal plans and delicious recipes found below... or we’ll refund you EVERY penny.


The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet
Follow-Along Meal Plans & Done-For-You Recipes, Smoothies & Desserts

Component #1

Hormone-Boosting Carb Cycling Meal Plan

Most people assume, especially after age 40, that carbs like potatoes, rice, bread and fruit can make you store MORE fat...
However, when you have access to our OVER-40 carb-cycling meal plan you’ll instantly discover how you can eat LOTS of your favorite carbs based on your current age category to fully optimize your hormones and accelerate your results even further.
This follow-along carb cycling meal plan includes the strategic timing, combinations and portion sizes necessary to maximize the effect of "Hormone-Boosting" High-Carb Foods in every meal. This will ensure your body stays in a fat-burning environment 24/7, while NEVER getting hungry or falling off track.
We’ve finally figured out a proven way for people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s to use Carb-Cycling to our hormonal-advantage and see amazing belly-flattening results.
Just follow along day by day and you’ll know EXACTLY what to eat at each meal to experience your fastest fat loss EVER.
NO counting calories. NO weighing or measuring of food. NO confusion. NO guesswork.
And best of all, it’s 100% Hormone Optimized.

Component #2

Hormone-Optimized Paleo Meal Plan

In its original version, the Paleo diet contains several hormone-disrupting pitfalls for people over 40 years old which you want avoid at ALL costs.
Instead, just follow the few simple (but extremely important) modifications in this upgraded, hormone-optimized Paleo guide, and you will experience every powerful anti-aging and fat-burning effect of this wildly popular diet
...all while rebalancing and optimizing the hormones responsible for burning stubborn fat.
So, if you like the idea of using the Paleo diet but want to make sure you get all of the hormone boosting benefits of the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet, then you’re going to love this Paleo Meal Plan.
We’ve laid it all out for you so you can have the best of BOTH worlds.
Inside this guide, you’ll get instant access to a complete Paleo Style Meal Plan along with dozens of recipes, snacks, and desserts all designed to RESET your hormones and melt away your body’s most stubborn fat.

Component #3

Hormone-Optimized Keto Meal Plan

You can’t turn on the television, open a magazine or click on your computer without someone touting the Keto diet for its miraculous weight loss benefits. And yes, the short-term, fat-burning results can be quite astounding...
But not without dealing with the “Keto Flu,” which triggers headaches, insomnia, digestive discomfort, brain fog and other negative side effects you’ll feel when you jump on this fad diet bandwagon.
That’s why we’ve upgraded the traditional ketogenic diet so you can use it in conjunction with The ‘Over 40’ Hormone Reset Diet to help you optimize your hormones—WITHOUT dealing with all the symptoms of the “Keto Flu.”
Right now you can get direct access to an enhanced “Ketogenic Diet 2.0” meal plan along with tasty keto-friendly recipes which are all 100% hormone-friendly and optimized.
These modifications take the keto diet and transform it into an incredible fat burning, hormone-boosting machine.
You’ll also enjoy gourmet chef created keto friendly, hormone-boosting meals such as:
  • Avocado Salmon Steaks
  • Bacon & Cheeseburger Casserole
  • Cheese & Chives Omelette
  • Chicken & Jalapeno Popper Casserole
  • Eggplant Lasagna
  • Greek Meatball Salad
  • BLT Frittata

If you’ve tried (or think you might enjoy trying keto), get ready for a whole new hormone-optimized keto experience. It’s the world’s first and only OVER 40-designed keto plan, and there’s nothing more powerful for shedding pound after pound of unwanted fat.

Component #4

Energizing Breakfast Snacks

If you can’t imagine a life without breakfast or you simply can’t miss breakfast because of medications or other health issues we’ve got you covered.
The problem is most traditional breakfast foods KILL your hormones and skyrocket insulin levels, zapping your energy and stopping your body from using stored fat for energy.
Each breakfast recipe inside the Over 40 Hormone Reset Accelerator Breakfast Snacks uses a specific combination of foods that will help you optimize leptin and ghrelin, stabilize blood sugar and regulate your insulin, all while maximizing your ability to burn fat.
Enjoy gourmet chef created energizing breakfast snacks such as:
  • The Avocado Breakfast Wrap
  • Chocolate Almond Swirl
  • Quinoa & Egg Muffins
  • Cherry Yogurt Bliss
  • Cauliflower Hash browns
  • Spinach Bacon Quiche

If you love breakfast, now you can enjoy your first meal of the day with a variety of fast and easy-to-prepare breakfast snacks that work in synergy with your hormones throughout the entire day, helping you use more stored fat as your body’s primary energy source.

Component #5

Afternoon Hormone-Boosting Lunch Recipes

The quickest and easiest way to power through your day with our Quick and Easy Fat Burning Lunch recipes strategically designed to achieve three goals:
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels While Regulating Insulin and Cortisol Responses (Maximizing Your Ability To Burn Fat All Afternoon)
  • Keep Your Energy High And Your Mind Sharp & Focused (Instead of that “foggy” feeling)
  • Prevent Afternoon Hunger & Cravings
NO more afternoon energy crashes. NO more needing an after-lunch nap. NO more 3 o’clock cravings for sugar OR caffeine.
Gourmet chef created recipes including Apple Tuna Salad, Shrimp Caesar Salad, Tuscan Tuna and White Bean Salad, Turkey Sausage Casserole, Italian Roasted Pepper Soup, and much, much more!
These delicious, fat-burning lunch recipes use a specific combination of highly nutritious and filling foods designed to boost your energy levels, while helping you further optimize hormones.

Component #6

Afternoon Hormone-Boosting Dinner Recipes

Our Hormone-Optimizing Dinner Recipes use specific food choices which quickly “flip on your hormonal switch,” improving insulin sensitivity and regulating your cortisol cycle.
Each unique recipe uses the strategic timing, combinations and high-carb, hormone-boosting foods needed to enhance your ability to burn more fat through several different hormones:
These delicious dinners will:
  • Increase Leptin (your body’s primary fat burning hormone) & Insulin Sensitivity
  • Regulate Your Cortisol “Stress” Hormone Levels & Jumpstart Your Metabolism
  • Significantly Decrease Ghrelin Levels (your hunger hormone) Helping To Reduce Your Cravings
  • Improve Satiety So You’re Satisfied All Evening Long
  • Reset Your Melatonin Production to Guarantee a Full, Restful Night of Sleep
Enjoy healthy Filet Mignon, Salmon Roasted With Tomatoes and Olives, Thyme and Sesame Crusted Halibut, Tuscan Style Chicken, Sesame Beef Stir Fry, BBQ Chicken Pizza, and so many more delicious hormone-optimizing, fat-burning dinners!

Component #7

Afternoon Hormone-Boosting Dessert Recipes

It’s time! Time to satisfy your “sweet tooth” and your most intense late-night cravings that typically sabotage every weight loss plan. We created this recipe guide so you’ll NEVER have to sacrifice your favorite evening dessert in order to burn fat and get your dream body.
Each dessert is designed to KEEP your body in “fat-burning” mode WITHOUT sacrificing taste.
Now you can enjoy a Hormone Healthy Dessert Recipe every night with ZERO fat storage.
You’re going to love our gourmet chef created Hormone Optimized Dessert Recipes including:
  • Banana Cream Delight
  • Butterscotch Protein Pudding
  • Pistachio Pudding
  • Chocolate Cheesecake Pudding
  • Healthy Sundae
  • And much, much more...

Component #8

Afternoon Hormone-Boosting Smoothies & Milkshakes

If you’re busy and short on time, this is your on-the-go hormone-resetting insurance policy.
Most retail “smoothie shop” recipes are LOADED with sugar, nasty preservatives and empty calories that send insulin soaring, while damaging the hormonal condition of men and women over 40.
Even the world’s most popular smoothies, which are often touted as “healthy,” are NOT designed to help you optimize hormones.
Inside this guide you’ll get instant access to delicious Hormone-Stimulating Power Smoothies and Milkshakes:
  • Banana Strawberry Smoothie
  • Cherry Chocolate Shake
  • Pina Colada Shake
  • Peppermint Patty
  • Raspberry Smoothie
  • Limeade Shake
  • And many more...
Hey, we’re ALL busy…now you have a way to get all of the hormone enhancing benefits of our Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet NO matter where you are or what you’re doing.

Now You Can DRAMATICALLY Accelerate Your Results & Burn Even MORE Fat—All While Enjoying Delicious Hormone-Optimizing Foods With Today’s Special Belly Flattening Upgrade Available ONLY On This Page...

This Hormone Reset Accelerator Results Package... along with the 100% hormone-optimized meal plans & recipes — normally sell to my private clients for a one-time $467 fee.
But as special thanks for taking the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet, you now get access to this hormone-boosting add-on at a HUGE discount, for only $47 (that’s $420 OFF!), but ONLY when you order today, right now.

You Will Never See This Special
Hormone Reset Customization Package Again.

To make sure you don’t miss out on this one-time VIP discount, just click the big button below right now and you’ll get instant access to this custom results accelerator...
Remember you have NOTHING to worry about, because you don’t even have to make your final decision right now... everything is backed by our no-questions-asked 90-day guarantee.
If you’re not flat out convinced that this Over 40 Hormone Reset Accelerator Meal Plan is the easiest way to lose stubborn fat and EAT delicious foods, I’ll give you all your money back.
Just add everything to your order now, and you can always change your mind later! That’s right, you can send us a quick email and we’ll refund your purchase, no questions asked.
So, you really have nothing to lose. Except even more stubborn belly fat!

Today ONLY You’ll Have Instant Access
To The OVER 40 Hormone Results Accelerator


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