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Who is Shaun Hadsall and how
can I trust this Ripped Grandpa?

With so much hype, noise, quick fixes, scams, and misinformation on the internet it makes it easier than ever for trainers, coaches, and course creators to take advantage of people and rip them off.

I mean, you don't know me from the next fitness influencer you see when scrolling your feed, so you have every right to be asking this question.

First and foremost, I'm a proud husband, father, and papa to 10 grandkids, a devout believer in God, and a passionate health and fitness professional. I'm a born and raised Michigander.

But It All Started When A Body Transformation
Contest Saved My Life From Devastation &
Destruction Way Back In 1998

I was fighting for visitation rights of my 5-yr old daughter, Jordan…

I hadn’t seen her in MONTHS…

I was DESPERATE and needed an outlet…

… an anchor of HOPE to hold onto because it was ripping my soul apart…

I was turning to booze and drugs and was at my end.

I had lost all my faith in God

And THAT'S when it all changed…

I was at the grocery store checking out, when I stumbled across a fitness magazine advertising the Body-for-Life® contest by Bill Phillips…

I read a story about a father who was fighting for custody of his kids…

So he stopped medicating himself with shit food and a six pack every night (the kind in his fridge—not his belly)…

He made ONE simple decision, and used the contest to overcome all his adversities.

And ultimately won back his life.

His story ECHOED my situation so closely… so powerfully… it inspired me to immediately enter the contest…

12 weeks later I gained 5lbs of muscle, lost 21+lbs of belly fat and had 6-pack abs for the first time ever… (and I cut my exercise time in HALF)


My new body was merely a reflection of how it leaked over like a firehouse of positivity into EVERY OTHER area of my life…

Focused Fitness Had Reignited
My Faith In God & And I Noticed All
My Prayers Were Being Answered

I looked back and was shocked…

Not only did I finally have joint legal custody rights of my daughter (and she was actively part of my life)…

The icing on the cake??

I took 1st Runner Up grand champion out of 22,000+ contestants…


Was featured on ESPN, in magazine spreads, and became nationally recognized within the Fitness Industry.

I don’t share this to “brag” but to “inspire” you to consider THIS:

Health and fitness go MUCH deeper than “how we look”…

If you’re secretly struggling because you look in the mirror every morning, and you know you’re not reaching your FULL potential with your body (or your life)…

I’m here to shoot it to ya straight with this one NO BS, undeniable FACT:

As high-performing men (and women)…

Physical health & fitness is the Gateway Drug to RAPID personal growth in ALL AREAS of our lives…

"For the first time, I realized fitness is the
secret to unlocking our full potential in life."

I know from over 23+ years of real-world experience that fitness fuels my drive to be successful in other areas such as being a better husband, parent, grandpa and entrepreneur.

My deepest desire in life is to help other high performing men have this same epiphany.

Here are a few more quick facts:

Within this last several years, my relationships, credibility, and expertise has also helped me gain the attention of some of the world's most famous celebrities.

So the question becomes, can you trust me?

That's obviously something you have to decide for yourself, but one thing I know to be 1000% true when it comes to fitness and getting shredded beyond your 40s and 50s—I'm the best in the business. Period.

I'm far from perfect, and have made my fair share of mistakes and stupid decisions over the years, but my integrity and reputation mean everything to me, and I promise I'll never let you down.

No matter what, I still stay true to my roots as a self-proclaimed "hillbilly from the backwoods Birch Run, Michigan", who loves God and family first.

If you're still skeptical, go to our YouTube channel, The Ripped Grandpa and watch all our amazing FREE content videos we've put out over the years helping elite men like yourself shed stubborn fat—without the B.S.

Watch, listen, then decide.

Click Below & Listen To My Interview With 15X Best-Selling Author, Voted The Worlds #6 TOP Leadership Speaker — Jon Gordon

Client Success Stories

Watch This Video To Discover
Our Dynamic Duo Of Fat Loss

(ONLY 2 Rules You Need To Lose Belly Fat)

How To Convert Your Body From Sugar-Burner To Fat-Burner In 7 Days FLAT

(PLUS: How You Can Eat LOTS of Carbs Every Weekend WITHOUT Fat-Storage)

How I Carb-Cycle To Stay Lean Year Round At 53 Years Old

(and how you can too!)

Discover How We Help You Create Synergy Between HIIT & Cardio To Help You Burn 5X More Stubborn Fat

(Step-by-Step Weekly Plan)

Frequently Asked Questions

"Do I get access to other
coaches as well?"

Of course!

That's part of our secret sauce and what makes working with us so powerful and effective.

If you're relying on a one man show, it's a huge indication the level of attention, service, and results you get will greatly suffer.

Instead, with us, you get VIP Concierge Fitness Coaching by gaining access to my World-Class C-Level Team.

So, not only do you get my 23+yrs of experience, you also get support for EVERY area of your fitness journey.  


Here's our team of seasoned veterans who will support you on your journey guaranteeing your fastest fat loss results—ever.

Shaun Hadsall

Shaun Hadsall CET

CEO & Founder

Certified Exercise Technologist™
WSNO Fitness Model
3-Time Best Selling Nutrition Author
Hormone-Optimization Specialist™
Grandpa of 10 👑

Terrill Harris

Terrill Harris

Customer Support Manager

Head Fat Loss Coach
AFC Nutrition Coach Certification™
Hormone-Optimization Specialist™
Mom Life 👩🏼

Rich Cirminiello

Rich Cirminiello MS

Coaching Manager & Director

Masters Degree: Seton Hall-Business Management
GL40 Certified Peak Performance Expert™
Documentary Guru 🎥

Forrest Stroud

Forrest Stroud

CTO - Chief Technology Officer

Metabolic Conditioning Pro
Fitness App Specialist
Elite Spartan Racer 🏅